Beautifying Surgery for Face
There is an evident change of the general texture of the facial skin and facial features in old age. As one ages the face tends to lose its firmness and elasticity. The skin relaxes and sags. Fine wrinkles may also occur around the corners of the eyes and around the lips and cheeks. Constant force of gravity results into the laxity and folding, what appears to be excess skin. Similarly the neck often develops 'double chin' or when more pronounced, the 'turkey-gobbler' deformity. To correct such humiliating deformities, redundant loose skin folds must be removed or repositioned to restore the contour of a more youthful charming face. FACE LIFT removes the heavy folds, but it does not remove the fine wrinkles. Those must be eliminated either by surgical abrasion or by chemical peeling, which reduces the fine wrinkles and tightens the skin.