Male & Female Sex Organs Surgery

Male & Female Sex Organs Surgery

Absent vagina from birth, asymmetry, scar in pubic region, abnormal penile curvature, distorted penis and absent testes are few of the various entity that causes the functional and deep seated psychological problems in married life. New adequate vagina can be constructed from one's own tissues. Corrective surgical procedure for the absent vagina, narrowing or widening of vaginal introitus, asymmetry of the vulva and the wide scar in the pubic area eliminates the functional and psychological problems in female. For male, one or both testes can be replaced in the empty scrotal bags with testicular prostheses and penile curvature or distortion can be corrected surgically for the better performance and pleasure. Impotency, the inability to attain and maintain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse can be corrected with sophisticated working, controllable penile implant. Occasionally a woman patient may want to be a man. After thorough psycho-analysis sex change operated can be offered to such persons.