Surgery for Baldness (Hair Transplantation)

Suction Lipo-plasty (Liposuction)

Suck away your excess body fat in a jiffy with LIPOSUCTION - FAT REDUCTION SURGERY. A dream of every woman today is a slim and trim physique which is possible for any woman with LIPOSUCTION and transforms mental poise and vigor to more favorable outlook on life in general. The process is relatively simple as all that is required is only a small incision. The suctioned spaces in the fat layer collapse after surgery, resulting in an improved contour. In short, it is a body contouring procedure. No skin is removed, so there are no conspicuous scars. The tube is inserted through a small incision in the crease line or shadow line, which does not leave behind any scar mark.

The fat cells that are removed by LIPOSUCTION do not grow back. The best results are obtained in healthy persons who have localized accumulations of fat, which are impossible to eliminate simply by exercise or dieting. For an average patient this whole procedure could be done under local anesthesia, as an office procedure, so that there is no need to get admitted in the hospital.

  • Suction Lipo-plasty (Liposuction)
  • Suction Lipo-plasty (Liposuction)