Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Are you one of those professionals, who is interested in his/her body physique and symmetry? If yes then you need to know about the body contouring procedures. The most common and most successful procedures available for body sculpting are TUMMY TUCK ABDOMINOPLASTY - lateral thigh lift, medical thigh lift, buttockplasty and brachial lipoplasty.

In certain persons, fat accumulates in conspicuous area, often independent of either food intake or energy expenditure. Massive loss of weight in fact individuals usually followed by loose, flabby, empty skin hanging apron like on the abdominal wall and thighs or their buttocks may droop. The "crumpled tummy" which often develops after multiple pregnancies due to muscle laxity, muscular diastesis and skin stretching, disturbs many women. The excess fat and skin removal along with the tightening of the muscles, correction of the gluteal region sagging and recontouring the lateral hips could trim the form in such individuals.

  • Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)