Workshop for head and neck and cervix. Sponsored by W.H.O. and Tata Memorial Center, Mumbai - 24th to 27th Nov, 1982.
Subject: Reconstructive surgery in oral cancer. 26th Nov, 1982.
Association of Surgeons of India, 42nd annual conference, Mumbai - 27th to 30th Dec, 1982.
Lecture and Panel Discussion: Use of indigenously made implants. 29th Dec, 1982
Nair Hospital Municipal Dental College, Mumbai. Scientific Seminar - 17th Apr, 1983.
Guest lecture: Surgical reconstruction and rehabilitation of oral cancer patients.
Family Planning Association of India. Training program 16th to 21st Apr, 1984.
a) Reconstructive microsurgery.
b) Practical demonstration of Microsurgery.
Tata Memorial Hospital. Orientation program for cancer nursing - 6th Apr, 1984.
Guest Lecture: Reconstructive surgery and nursing
Leelabai Thackersey college of nursing for postgraduate course in cancer nursing.
Guest Lectures: Aug to Dec 1984.
a) Role of plastic surgery.
b) Rehabilitation prosthesis.
c) Skin tumors and management.
Indian medical association, Indore branch. 38th annual meeting - 9th Mar, 1986.
Guest Lecture: Reconstruction in head and neck cancer.
A specialized program on recanalization by Family Planning Association of India, 48th advanced course in medical and surgical techniques of fertility control. From 29th June to 4th July, 1986.
Guest Lecture: Reconstruction in head and neck cancer.
Indian medical association, Indore branch, 38th annual meeting - 9th Mar, 1986.
Guest Lecture: Reconstruction in head and neck cancer.
A specialized program on recanalization by Family Planning Association of India, 48th advanced course in medical and surgical techniques of fertility control. From 29th June to 4th July, 1986.
Guest Lectures & Demonstration: Reconstructive microsurgery
6th Biennial General Scientific Meeting of Association of Surgeons of Southeast Asia, at Bangkok, Thailand -
8th to 13th Feb, 1987.
Invitation lecture & Panel Discussion with Drs. Prof. A. J. Ballentyne & S. Ariyan Advances in Head and Neck Surgery
A specialized program on recanalization by Family Planning Association of India, Mumbai. 50th advanced course in medical and surgical techniques of fertility control - 20th July, 1987.
Guest Lectures & Demonstration
Reconstructive microsurgery
Association of Surgeons of Rajkot. Seminar on recent advances in surgery - 20th Sept, 1987.
Guest Lecture: Modern methods of reconstruction surgery in cancer.
East zonal conference of International College of Surgeons, Patna - 20th Feb, 1988.
Guest Lecture and panel discussion: Techniques of reconstructions in oral malignancies.
East zonal conference of International College of Surgeons, Patna - 20th Feb, 1988.
Surgical Demonstration: Pectoralis major myocutaneous composite flap for buccal mucosa cancer.
3rd annual conference of Indian Society of Head and Neck Oncology and 1st International Workshop on Head and Neck Surgery, New Delhi - 22nd to 26th Dec, 1988
Lectures and panel discussions:
Management of mandible in oral cancer - Mandibular reconstruction.
Hypopharyngeal tumors - Reconstructions.
Reconstruction in head and neck cancer.
3rd annual conference of Indian Society of Head and Neck Oncology and 1st International Workshop on Head and Neck Surgery, New Delhi - 22nd to 26th Dec, 1988.
Surgical Demonstrations: Pectoralis major myocutaneous composite flap for reconstruction of tonsil and lateral pharyngeal wall defects.
VI National cancer convention of Indian Society of Surgical Oncology, Indore - 8th to 10th Sept, 1989.
Lecture and Panel Discussion: Oral cancer surgery - Primary reconstruction.
IV Workshop and Technology Transfer Programme on Head and Neck Cancer. Indian Society of Head and Neck Oncology, Mumbai - 2nd to 6th Dec, 1989.
Executive committee member and teaching faculty member.
Workshop on Applications of Micro-surgical Techniques. Sir J.J. Group of Hospital and Grant Medical College, Mumbai - 18th to 21st Dec, 1989.
Organizer and Faculty Member, Microsurgery Group
Demonstration of dissection of various fasciocutaneous, myocutaneous and osteo-myocutaneous composite flaps.
Demonstration of microsurgical techniques in experimental lab. set-up on rubber gloves and various models.
Lecture on "Bipaddled Flaps"
Surgical demonstration of Pectoralis major myocutaneous composite flap for reconstruction after radical total parotidectomy.
Xth Advanced course in surgery of the head and neck.Department of E. N. T. and Head & Neck Oncology, Grant Medical College & Sir J. J. Group of Hospital, Mumbai - 15th to 21st Feb, 1990.
Symposium on "Reconstruction after ablative surgery of head and neck region."
Lecture and Panel Discussion: Mandibular and tongue reconstruction.
Surgical Demonstration: Pectoralis major myocutaneous composite flap and Bakamjian flap for reconstruction after wide excision and composite radical neck node dissection of buccal mucosa cancer.
X Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Oncology(ISO) & XII Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Medical and Pediatric Oncology(ISMPO), Mumbai - 13th to 17th Nov, 2002. Guest Lecture: Reconstruction in Head and Neck Oncology: Today and Tomorrow.
Symposium “Treatment of Breast Cancer” - 26th June, 2003.
Chair person: Dr. H. M. Bhathena
Dr. Anil Desai, Breast Cancer Surgery Of The Future - The Oncoplastic Vision.
Dr. Charles Lowdell, Recent Developments In Endocrine Therapy.
Indian Society of Oncology(ISO), Oncology CME 2003, Indore - 16th to 17th Aug, 2003.
Panel Discussion: