Invitation Lectures

  • Workshop for head and neck and cervix. Sponsored by W.H.O. and Tata Memorial Center, Mumbai - 24th to 27th Nov, 1982.
    Subject: Reconstructive surgery in oral cancer. 26th Nov, 1982.
  • Association of Surgeons of India, 42nd annual conference, Mumbai - 27th to 30th Dec, 1982.
    Lecture and Panel Discussion: Use of indigenously made implants. 29th Dec, 1982
  • Nair Hospital Municipal Dental College, Mumbai. Scientific Seminar - 17th Apr, 1983.
    Guest lecture: Surgical reconstruction and rehabilitation of oral cancer patients.
  • Family Planning Association of India. Training program 16th to 21st Apr, 1984.
    a) Reconstructive microsurgery.
    b) Practical demonstration of Microsurgery.
  • Tata Memorial Hospital. Orientation program for cancer nursing - 6th Apr, 1984.
    Guest Lecture: Reconstructive surgery and nursing
  • Leelabai Thackersey college of nursing for postgraduate course in cancer nursing.
    Guest Lectures: Aug to Dec 1984.
    a) Role of plastic surgery.
    b) Rehabilitation prosthesis.
    c) Skin tumors and management.
  • Indian medical association, Indore branch. 38th annual meeting - 9th Mar, 1986.
    Guest Lecture: Reconstruction in head and neck cancer.
  • A specialized program on recanalization by Family Planning Association of India, 48th advanced course in medical and surgical techniques of fertility control. From 29th June to 4th July, 1986.
    Guest Lecture: Reconstruction in head and neck cancer.
  • Indian medical association, Indore branch, 38th annual meeting - 9th Mar, 1986.
    Guest Lecture: Reconstruction in head and neck cancer.
  • A specialized program on recanalization by Family Planning Association of India, 48th advanced course in medical and surgical techniques of fertility control. From 29th June to 4th July, 1986.
    Guest Lectures & Demonstration: Reconstructive microsurgery
  • 6th Biennial General Scientific Meeting of Association of Surgeons of Southeast Asia, at Bangkok, Thailand -
    8th to 13th Feb, 1987.

    Invitation lecture & Panel Discussion with Drs. Prof. A. J. Ballentyne & S. Ariyan Advances in Head and Neck Surgery
  • A specialized program on recanalization by Family Planning Association of India, Mumbai. 50th advanced course in medical and surgical techniques of fertility control - 20th July, 1987.
    Guest Lectures & Demonstration
    Reconstructive microsurgery
  • Association of Surgeons of Rajkot. Seminar on recent advances in surgery - 20th Sept, 1987.
    Guest Lecture: Modern methods of reconstruction surgery in cancer.
  • East zonal conference of International College of Surgeons, Patna - 20th Feb, 1988.
    Guest Lecture and panel discussion: Techniques of reconstructions in oral malignancies.
  • East zonal conference of International College of Surgeons, Patna - 20th Feb, 1988.
    Surgical Demonstration: Pectoralis major myocutaneous composite flap for buccal mucosa cancer.
  • 3rd annual conference of Indian Society of Head and Neck Oncology and 1st International Workshop on Head and Neck Surgery, New Delhi - 22nd to 26th Dec, 1988
    Lectures and panel discussions:
    • Management of mandible in oral cancer - Mandibular reconstruction.
    • Hypopharyngeal tumors - Reconstructions.
    • Reconstruction in head and neck cancer.
  • 3rd annual conference of Indian Society of Head and Neck Oncology and 1st International Workshop on Head and Neck Surgery, New Delhi - 22nd to 26th Dec, 1988.
    Surgical Demonstrations: Pectoralis major myocutaneous composite flap for reconstruction of tonsil and lateral pharyngeal wall defects.
  • VI National cancer convention of Indian Society of Surgical Oncology, Indore - 8th to 10th Sept, 1989.
    Lecture and Panel Discussion: Oral cancer surgery - Primary reconstruction.
  • IV Workshop and Technology Transfer Programme on Head and Neck Cancer. Indian Society of Head and Neck Oncology, Mumbai - 2nd to 6th Dec, 1989.
    Executive committee member and teaching faculty member.
  • Workshop on Applications of Micro-surgical Techniques. Sir J.J. Group of Hospital and Grant Medical College, Mumbai - 18th to 21st Dec, 1989.
    Organizer and Faculty Member, Microsurgery Group
    • Demonstration of dissection of various fasciocutaneous, myocutaneous and osteo-myocutaneous composite flaps.
    • Demonstration of microsurgical techniques in experimental lab. set-up on rubber gloves and various models.
    • Lecture on "Bipaddled Flaps"
    • Surgical demonstration of Pectoralis major myocutaneous composite flap for reconstruction after radical total parotidectomy.
  • Xth Advanced course in surgery of the head and neck.Department of E. N. T. and Head & Neck Oncology, Grant Medical College & Sir J. J. Group of Hospital, Mumbai - 15th to 21st Feb, 1990.
    • Symposium on "Reconstruction after ablative surgery of head and neck region."
    • Lecture and Panel Discussion: Mandibular and tongue reconstruction.
    • Surgical Demonstration: Pectoralis major myocutaneous composite flap and Bakamjian flap for reconstruction after wide excision and composite radical neck node dissection of buccal mucosa cancer.
  • X Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Oncology(ISO) & XII Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Medical and Pediatric Oncology(ISMPO), Mumbai - 13th to 17th Nov, 2002.
    Guest Lecture: Reconstruction in Head and Neck Oncology: Today and Tomorrow.
  • Symposium “Treatment of Breast Cancer” - 26th June, 2003.
    Chair person:
    Dr. H. M. Bhathena

    Dr. Anil Desai, Breast Cancer Surgery Of The Future - The Oncoplastic Vision.
    Dr. Charles Lowdell, Recent Developments In Endocrine Therapy.
  • Indian Society of Oncology(ISO), Oncology CME 2003, Indore - 16th to 17th Aug, 2003.
    Panel Discussion:
    • Breast Reconstruction in Cancer Breast.
    • Buccal Mucosa & Oral Cancer Reconstruction.