4th Asian Cancer Conference.Mumbai.Dec.4th to 8th, 1979.
VIII international congress of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Montreal. Quibec. Canada. Jun.26th to Jul.1st, 1983.
Papers Presented:
a)The pectoralis major composite flap for primary reconstruction in head and neck cancer-- A review of 105 cases.
b) Extensive composite resection of middle third mandible-Different methods of reconstructions.
Joint Meeting of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh and The Chapter of Surgeons, Academy of Medicine, Singapore. Incorporating 4th overseas meeting of the college and the 18th annual combine surgical meeting. Singapore. Nov.1st to 4th, 1984.
Paper Presented:
a) The Bipaddled pectoralis major myocutaneous flap for reconstructive surgery of oral cancer. Nov.3rd, 1984
Joint Meeting of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh and The Chapter of Surgeons, Academy of Medicine, Singapore. Incorporating 4th overseas meeting of the college and the 18th annual combine surgical meeting. Singapore. Nov.1st to 4th, 1984.
Attended Workshop: LASER surgery.
6th Biennial General Scientific Meeting of Association of Surgeons of Southeast Asia. Bangkok. Thailand. Feb.8th to 13th, 1987
Lecture and panel discussion:
a) Symposium on "Advances in Head and Neck Surgery"
b) with Drs. Prof. A. J. Ballentyne & S. Ariyan.
II U.A.E. Cancer conference. Abu Dhabi. Arabian Gulf. Feb.13th to 18th, 1987.
Paper presented:
a) Primary reconstruction after laryngopharyngectomy. -A comparative study of Bakamjian and myocutaneous flaps.
IX International Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New Delhi, India. March 1st to 6th, 1987.
Papers presented:
a) Surgical advances in the treatment of submucous fibrosis.
b) Advances in reconstructive surgery for head and neck cancer-A 12-year follow up.
8th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference, Seoul, Korea. Sept 14th to 19th, 1987.
Paper presented:
a) Advances in reconstructive surgery for head and neck cancer. -A 12 year follow up.
Middle East Medicare '87, Conference. Bahrain. Arabian Gulf. Oct.12th to 15th, 1987.
Paper presented:
a) Advances in reconstructive surgery of head and neck cancer. - A 12-year follow up.
1st International Congress on Oral Cancer and Jaw Tumors, Singapore. Nov.9th to 14th, 1987.
Paper presented:
a) Extensive composite resection of middle third mandible. Different methods of reconstruction.
3rd U.A.E. Cancer Conference, Al Ain, Arabian Gulf.Feb.19th to 22nd, 1988.
Paper presented:
Bipaddled, retrograde, radial extended forearm flap in oral cancer.
Association of Surgeons of Rajkot. Seminar on recent advances in surgery - 20th Sept, 1987.
Guest Lecture: Modern methods of reconstruction surgery in cancer.
XIV World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.Madrid.Spain.Sept.10th to 15th, 1989.
Paper presented:
Radical total glossectomy -Clinicopathological study of 10/10 year's survival
8th Joint Congress of the Asian-Pacific Federation of the International College of Surgeons, Bangkok, Thailand. Nov.12th to 17th, 1989.
Paper presented:
Bipaddled, retrograde, radial extended forearm flap in oral cancer.
Regional (RCA) Workshop on Radiation and Nuclear Techniques for Sterilization and Clinical Quality Control of Tissue Grafts in Tissue Banking. Bangkok. Thailand. Nov.13th to 22nd, 1989. Nomination By Govt. of India.
IV Biennial Conference of the Indian Society of Oncology.Feb.7-12, 1990.Ahmedabad.
Paper presented:
Bipaddled, retrograde, radial extended forearm flap in oral cancer
Attended, International Workshop on
Pain Relief in Oncology.
LASER in Oncology.
X Asia Pacific Cancer Conference, Aug. 20-23,1991. Beijing, China.
Paper presented:
The role of microvascular surgery in head and neck cancer
IAEA / Regional (RCA) Workshop on Total Quality Systems for Tissue Banking of Radiation Sterilized Surgical Grafts, Jakarta, Indonesia. Aug.2nd to 13th, 1993. Nomination By Govt. of India.
11th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference. Nov 16-19, 1993. Bangkok, Thailand.
Paper accepted:
Primary reconstruction of head and neck cancer with anterior rib, osteomyocutaneous composite flap (AROCF).
3rd International Congress on Oral Cancer. Jan 22-25, 1994. Madras. India.
Paper presented:
Primary reconstruction of head and neck cancer with anterior rib, osteomyocutaneous composite flap (AROCF).
IAEA/Regional (RCA) Workshop on Total Quality Systems for Tissue Banking of Radiation Sterilized Surgical Grafts. Suzhon, China. June 12- 25, 1994. Nomination By Govt. of India.
IAEA / Regional (RCA) Workshop on Dissemination of Information on Procedures for Production and Radiation Sterilization of Tissue Allografts. Singapore. Sept. 18-29, 1995. Nomination By Govt. of India
Asia Pacific Head and Neck Cancer Congress. International federation of head and neck oncologic societies. December 11-14,1997. Mumbai.
Panel Discussion:
Reconstructive surgery in head and neck cancer: Conventional v/s free flaps.
International conference on applications of radioisotopes and radiation in industrial development. (National association for applications of radioisotopes and radiation in industry) February 4-6, 1998. Mumbai. India.
Guest lecture:
Use of irradiated tissue grafts in reconstructive surgery.
IAEA/Regional Trainers Workshop (RCA) on Distance Learning Package on Tissue Banking. Singapore. 27 April - 8 May, 1998. Nomination By Govt. of India.
IAEA/RCA Regional Workshop on Self-Assessment Review and Public Awareness In Tissue Banking. Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia. 23-27 November 1998. Nomination By Govt. of India.
International Conference On Tissue Banking Asia Pacific Association of Surgical Tissue Banking. Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia. 23-27 November 1998.
Use Of Radiated Tissue Grafts In Surgical Practice: Tissue Banking In India.
3rd World Congress on Tissue Banking & American Association of Tissue Banks. 26th Annual Meeting. August 23-27, 2002.