
  • Association of Surgeons of India, 38th Annual Conference, Gauhati. Dec.27th to 30th, 1978.
    Paper presented : Pleuropulmonary suppuration.
  • Recent advances in electrocardiology-
    Indian Society of Electrocardiology. Mumbai. Dec. 22nd to 24th, 1979.
  • Microvascular Surgery Workshop. Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. Mar. 1981.
  • Association of Surgeons of India. Oncology Section. Mumbai. 42nd annual Conference. Dec. 27th to 30th, 1982
    Papers presented:
    • Prosthetic rehabilitation following ablative surgery in head and neck cancer. (#915,12-28-82.).
    • Experience with pectoralis major myocutaneous flap for primary reconstruction in oral cancer. (#925,12-29-82.)
    • Immediate one stage reconstruction of pharynx and cervical oesophagus after laryngo-pharyngectomy. (#927,12-29-82.)
    • Immediate reconstruction of eyelids after surgery for cancer-An experience of 40 cases. (#954,12-30-82).
  • Association of Plastic Surgeons of India. 18th national conference. Darjeeling. May 7th to 10th, 1983.
    Papers presented:
    a) Experience with pectoralis major myocutaneous flap for primary reconstruction in oral cancer.
    b) Immediate one stage reconstruction of pharynx and cervical oesophagus after laryngo-pharyngectomy.
  • Association of Surgeons of India, Maharashtra Chapter. VI annual conference. Thana, Mumbai. March 3rd, 1984.
    Paper presented:
    a) Immediate one stage reconstruction of pharynx and oesophagus after laryngo-pharyngectomy
  • Association of Plastic Surgeons of India. 19th national conference. Lonavla, Mumbai. Sept. 23rd to 25th, 1984.
    Papers presented:
    Primary reconstruction after laryngo-pharyngectomy: comparative study of Bakamjian and myocutaneous flap - a review of 26 cases.
  • 8th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference, Seoul, Korea. Sept 14th to 19th, 1987.
    Paper presented:
    a) Advances in reconstructive surgery for head and neck cancer. -A 12 year follow up.
  • Indian Society of Oncology. 2nd Biennial conference Mumbai. Feb. 9th to 14th, 1986.
    Paper presented:
    a) Extensive composite resection of middle third mandible- Different methods of reconstruction.
    b) Analysis of three methods of laryngopharyngeal reconstruction.
  • 1st International Congress on Oral Cancer and Jaw Tumors, Singapore. Nov.9th to 14th, 1987.
    Microvascular surgery and tissue transfer in head and neck cancer--Workshop and Technology Transfer Programme. Oct. 8 to 11, 1990. Nanavati Hospital and medical research center, Mumbai.
  • Conducted Head and Neck Workshop. The association of otolaryngologists of India, Andhra pradesh branch. Hyderabad. March 9-10, 1991.
    Demonstrated operative procedures:
    a) Reconstruction of cervical oesophagus.
    b) Closure of orocutaneous fistula with composite flap.
  • Treasurer "Workshop and Technology Transfer in Surgical Oncology" April 3-6, 1991. Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai & Indian Society of Oncology
  • Workshop and Technology Transfer in Surgical Oncology April 3-6, 1991. Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai & Indian Society of Oncology
    Lecture and panel discussion:
    Reconstruction after Surgery of Cancer Breast.
  • Indian Society of Head and Neck Oncology Nov 6-7, 1993. Ahmedabad
    Moderator for panel discussion:
    Reconstruction following through and through defect of oral cavity.
  • II Biennial Conference of Indian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery. Aug. 24-25, 1996. Bombay Hospital and Medical Research Institute. Mumbai.
    Paper Presented:
    • Primary reconstruction of head and neck cancer with anterior rib, osteo-myocutaneous composite flap (AROCF).
    • Mandibular reconstruction with vascularised iliac crest flap.
    • Bipaddled, retrograde radial artery extended forearm flap with microarterial anastomosis for reconstruction in oral cancer.
    • Reconstruction with different free flaps in head and neck cancer patients.
  • Association of Plastic Surgeons of India. 34th national conference. Goa. Sept. 4th to 8th, 1999.
    Chairman:: Souvenir Committee.